we know solar
Installing solar for a lighter, brighter future
Why solar?
With energy prices increasing and the cost of solar technology decreasing - now is the right time to invest in solar. Solar systems are becoming more efficient and as we learn more about solar, we're getting smarter about how to maximise its benefits.
Why wouldn't you harness solar energy when It's free!
- It's always going to be there
- It will decrease your energy bills
- It can protect you against future power price rises
- It will add value to your home
- You can sell excess power back to your electricity retailer
- It's a smart way to save money - especially in your retirement
- It's a better investment than putting your money in bank term deposits or similar investments
Solar energy in New Zealand is still in it's early stages. Less than 2% of properties use solar energy to power their home or business.
How does solar work?
Solar Power is free energy captured from the sun
Simply put, solar panels trap sun and light to produce power which we can then use. Solar Photovoltaic panels are installed on your roof or on a ground-mounted frame. The panels are mounted on special rails that fix directly to your roof with weatherproof brackets.
A series of roof-mounted inverters (one per panel) or a wall-mounted inverter, convert the solar-generated DC energy into 230v AC which is fed into your house switchboard and then to the electricity grid.
Your electricity retailer will replace your electricity meter with an import-export meter that measures the electricity you use and the excess electricity you generate that you don’t consume. This excess is sold back to the retailer.
At night when your panels are not generating electricity, you draw power from the grid. The solar panels generate electricity in all weather. It is not heat that generates electricity, but light. The system continues to operate even in winter.
Need maintenance?
McNae Group have installed over 700 solar electric systems. Our systems are reliable and trouble-free. However, if you are having problems, then we can help. Maybe you need some advice on whether your system is working correctly, or you want to know about expansion options. For any problems or if you need advice, McNae Group can help.
Our process
Wonder what our process is for getting solar installed at your place? When it comes to our approach, we uphold the highest level of service. We ensure that you have a smooth experience with us so you can focus on what’s important.
We provide a proposal based on information supplied to us by you.
You confirm that you wish to proceed. We organise a site visit for us to do an assessment of your electrical system and roof.
We finalise the price. Once a contract is signed, we require a 10% deposit to progress.
We apply for Network company approval, and a meter change from your electricity retailer.
We secure the equipment, a 50% deposit is paid.
We install, test and commission your system! Including an electrical inspection.
We provide full documentation and send the final invoice.
Savings from day one
Solar makes the most financial sense when you can pay for your system up front. Not having to pay interest on a loan means you get the full benefit of your savings from day one.
Installing a solar system is an investment that pays great returns. Most residential systems completely repay their initial cost within 8-10 years. Commercial systems have even shorter repay periods. After that, it’s all money in the bank. And with solar panels guaranteed to still be producing 83 - 92% of their power after 25 years, the benefits are long term. That’s why houses with solar systems installed can command a premium in resale value.

How can we help you?
Get in touch with us!
Simply fill the form to allow us to give you a call back to discuss your requirements.
4 Roxburgh Crescent, Hokowhitu,
Palmerston North 4478
Phone: 06 357 0405
Email: info@mcnae.co.nz
Office Hours: 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday