The McNae Team
Managing Director/Business Owner
McNae Group (formally Clayton McNae Electrical), opened its doors in 1988. In 2013 McNae Group expanded to include solar installation. Why the wait?
Clayton and Diane held back until solar became financially viable for themselves - and therefore their customers. With power prices increasing and the cost of technology decreasing Clayton says the time is right to fully embrace solar technology. Since 2013 McNae Group has become one of the larger regional solar installers in New Zealand.
McNae Group installs more solar than any other company in the Manawatu region. Clayton is emphatic that solar is the way of the future for power generation in New Zealand.
Director-Administrator/Business Owner
Diane has been part of the journey from the beginning when McNae Group set up business in 1988! She says, “It’s been exciting seeing the growth and development of the company, particularly in the last few years.” One of the recent catalysts for change and growth has been the completion of the Sustainable Business course sponsored by Vision Manawatu. Diane says, “It is rewarding to see when our practices affect our environment for the better.”
Diane works in supporting our wonderful staff as an Office Administrator and enjoys interacting with them and clients.
Electrical Engineer & Inspector
With a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and one of Manawatu’s few solar engineers, Martin is ably equipped to lead the solar division of McNae Group. It's his job to ensure that McNae Group only install the very best products that have been thoroughly researched and tested with the necessary technical specifications.
As well as solar research, Martin is responsible for system design, quality control and managing service and support. Martin trains new staff in products and installation and provides excellent customer service. When he finds time, as a registered electrical inspector, he checks solar installations carried out by other electricians within the region.
Martin is not just a solar “desk jockey”. Before joining McNae Group, Martin spent 10 years in Uganda living in a remote village that did not have grid electricity. Martin and his wife and family relied completely on solar panels when they lived there. Back then his family lived on a 240-watt solar system. Today the average-sized residential solar system is sixteen times that at 4,000 watts. The four 60W solar panels that Martin’s family lived on fifteen years ago cost over $8 per watt. Today, solar panels cost less than 80 cents per watt. Martin says, “with this pace of technology change, it won’t be long before every house in New Zealand will see it as a no-brainer to install as many solar panels as they can fit on their roof.”
Solar Installation Manager
Claire is the first port of call for solar customers and manages all solar work. She provides PA services to senior staff and generally makes sure that the office runs smoothly.
Business Manager and Electrician
Jim manages the day-to-day work of the electrical staff. He also does a lot of after hours electrical call-outs and and manages the Auto Gate and Heat Pump divisions of the business.
Senior Electrician, Senior Solar Installer and Inspector
Josh has worked at McNae Electrical Solutions since 2002 when he was 15 years old. In that time he's graduated from an apprentice to Senior Electrician and Senior Solar Installer. Josh has been at the forefront of McNae's venture into solar and is now responsible for training staff in installation techniques.
Josh enjoys the technical and hands-on nature of solar and says solar is a fascinating area to work in as it's potential for development is huge and he needs to continually learn to keep up with changes in the industry.
Josh works closely with the entire McNae solar team to ensure that staff are trained to the highest standard possible using the best products available.
Like most of the McNae staff, Josh has solar installed on his home because he knows it works and saves money.
Logistics Support
Apprentice Electrician
Nathan is a qualified Appliance Service Technician and Electrician. He is a well-rounded electrical specialist and can fix just about anything.
Apprentice Electrician
Apprentice Electrician
Electrical Engineer & Electrician
Apprentice Electrician
Apprentice Electrician